Moritz Majce

Wall Paintings

Bilderserie | Painting series | 2010
Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings
Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings
Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings
Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings Wall Paintings
1. Reihe: | 1st Row: Faithful Fortress, Rightsize Rampart, Soothsay Stronghold … 2. Reihe: | 2nd Row: Requisite Redoubt, Comeback Citadel, Bonus Bastion
12 Bilder, Wandfarbe auf Leinwand, 120x120 cm | 12 paintings, wall paint on canvas, 120x120 cm
Die streng geometrische, kristallin anmutende Formgebung der Mo­ti­ve orientiert sich am Aufbau neuzeitlicher Befestigungsanlagen – teils Replikate der Grundrisse real existierender Festungen, teils Fes­tun­gen, die nie gebaut wurden, teils frei erfundene Entwürfe. The sharply geometrical, cristalline shape of the images is based on the construction of early modern fortresses – in part a repli­ca­ti­on of the floor plans of fortresses which actually existed, in part those of fortresses which were never built, in part newly inven­ted shapes.
Shown for the first time in the exhibition An Exchange with Sol Lewitt in Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art – MASS MoCA (23.1.–31.2.2011).