Moritz Majce


Performance | 2001
Zwei Millionen SMS wurden innerhalb von 24 Stunden an Mobiltelefone in der Schweiz versandt, jeweils mit der personalisierten Aufforderung einen anderen Netzteilnehmer anzurufen. Ziel war ein durch menschliche Kommunikation herbeigeführtes Versagen eines technologischen Netzwerks.
Two million short messages were sent within 24 hours to mobile phones in Switzerland. Each message contained a personalised request to call back another network participant. The aim of was to break down a technological network by means of human communication.

smashed into pieces.
a null sum game took place on 27 03 2001 in helvetia‘s cell phone communication network.
86399 seconds of echtzeit performance.
( online )
( onland )
closed minds may have been offended.
open minds may have been infected.
fulfilling your function explains your survival.
? do you understand ?
( in the still of the night )
The performance restate/callaps took place on 27.3.2001 in Switzerland and could be monitored live on the Internet.